
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Week 2

PIR Infrared motion detector Circuit

The pyroelectric sensor is made of a crystalline material that generates a surface electric charge when exposed to heat in the form of infrared radiation. When the amount of radiation striking the crystal changes, the amount of charge also changes and can then be measured with a sensitive FET device built into the sensor. The sensor elements are sensitive to radiation over a wide range so a filter window is added to the TO5 package to limit detectable radiation to the 8 to 14mm range which is most sensitive to human body radiation. 
Typically, the FET source terminal pin 2 connects through a pulldown resistor of about 100 K to ground and feeds into a two stage amplifier having signal conditioning circuits. The amplifier is typically bandwidth limited to below 10Hz to reject high frequency noise and is followed by a window comparator that responds to both the positive and negative transitions of the sensor output signal. A well filtered power source of from 3 to 15 volts should be connected to the FET drain terminal pin 1

Friday, January 20, 2012

Week 1

Choosing A Fan (Type & Model)

My first week I made ​​the selection of suitable Fan for FYP projects because if i wrong selected type and model Fan, the cost for this project will increase. In much of my fan survey, a small fan of this type is most appropriate because, although it is small but it is fast and comfortable to operate. This fan size 6 " and has a 2 speed and is suitable for the prototype to make my FYP project. Below i upload a Pictures of model & type of Fan i choose for my FYP project.

Left View

Front View

Rear View

Right View